New Face (:

Hey world .

nyeah . Ive made my final decision to make new blog account since I fedup with the older one . hee . dont ask me whats the problem . you might laugh once I tell you the problem . nahh just forget it okay . just let it be . haha so for the whole day , I spent all my day sitting in front of the lappy and edit-ing my new blog . hewh . swear to God . edit blog pun , quite difficult baby . trust me . Im not lying . I need to change the code and etc . alhamdulilah . my blog almost done . yeay *clapclap* . okay enough .

what Im doing for today , err nope . what Im trying to say . once Ive done edit-ing my blog , went to Pusat Memandu Shah Bandar , somewhere in Sungai Udang to pay the computer test . grr like shit . I need to go back to campus on 6th November 2011 because my next semester start on 10th November 2011 . haih . I didnt meet my ladies lah weh . macam mana ni . aishh . plus , I havent started my driving class . baru nak ambil lesen L kot . okay , Im dizzy .

another problem that I need to settle , about my rent house . my friends and I decide nak duduk ruma sewa for the next semester . nyeah . now tengah cari budak untuk cukup kan lapan orang . grrr its hard baby . its super duper hard . the rent , RM900 . so we need eight people . 1 person , RM113 something . I cant recall how much the rent for person . hm as a conclusion , terpaksa pulang awal ke campus to help the others friend untuk cari lagi budak . so pray for us okay .
Im sorry if Im using broken english